Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at the interface of H ii region and molecular cloud under the influence of ambipolar diffusion: a discontinuous model of the interface


Yaghouti S Akram1


1. Department of Physics, Hakim Sabzevari University , Sabzevar 397 , Iran


ABSTRACT For typical flow velocities in the interstellar medium (ISM), the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI) may result in the development of structures in molecular clouds near the interface between the clouds and H ii regions flowing past them (Berné et al. 2010). Ambipolar diffusion (AD) is one of the significant mechanisms considered frequently in the dynamics of molecular clouds. It may play a relevant role in the development of the KHI in the interface of the H ii region and the molecular clouds. Here, we examine the role of AD in the evolution of the KHI, using linear perturbation analysis. We model the interaction of two regions as a planar discontinuity separating two fluids in relative motion. Linear analysis, for a certain range of magnetosonic Mach number of flow ($\mathcal {M}_{sA1}\lt 1$), shows that AD has a destabilizing effect on the KHI and consequently decreases the e-fold time-scale of instability. The results indicate that AD is more effective on the KHI for large magnetosonic Mach numbers than for low magnetosonic Mach numbers. This may give rise to the development of larger numbers of KH structures in high-velocity flows. The results also indicate that AD is more effective for perturbation wavelengths $\lambda _{\rm KH} \ \lt \ 1\rm pc$ than for $\lambda _{\rm KH}\gt 1\rm pc$. This nominates a length-scale ($L=1 \rm \, pc$) above which AD is not important for the formation of KH structures. Conforming to the results, AD is proposed as a triggering factor in the development of the small-scale KH structures in the regions of high-velocity streams in ISM.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics







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