Non-thermal broadening of coronal lines in a 3D MHD loop model


Breu C A12,Peter H2,Solanki S K23,Cameron R2,De Moortel I14


1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews , St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS , UK

2. Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research , Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, D-37077 Göttingen , Germany

3. School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University , Yongin, Gyeonggi 446-701 , Republic of Korea

4. Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo , PO Box 1029 Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo , Norway


ABSTRACT Observed spectral profiles of emission lines from the corona are found to have widths exceeding the thermal line width. To investigate the physical mechanism, we run a 3D magnetohydrodynamics model of a single, straightened loop in which we partially resolve turbulent motions that form in response to the driving by self-consistently evolving magneto-convection in the photosphere. The convective motions shear and twist the magnetic field lines, leading to heating. From the model, we synthesize spectral profiles of emission lines forming at temperatures around and above 1 MK. The coronal heating process generates a range of velocity amplitudes and directions structured on a scale much smaller than the resolving power of current instruments, leading to a broadening of the spectral lines. Our model includes the mass exchange between corona and chromosphere, thus we also capture flows parallel to the loop axis. We find that the spectral lines show a non-thermal line broadening roughly consistent with observations for a viewing angle perpendicular to the axis. The broadening through field-parallel flows is comparable, although slightly smaller. The line broadening is independent of the instrument resolution for a perpendicular line of sight (LOS). We can connect the non-thermal line broadening to heating events and flows. While small-scale velocities along the LOS are mainly responsible for the broadening observed perpendicular to the loop, chromospheric evaporation is important for the line broadening observed along the loop. The model reproduces observed values for non-thermal line widths. In the model, these result from continuous driving by magnetoconvection, without imposing driving motions or starting from an already braided field.



Research Council of Norway


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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1. MUSE observations of small-scale heating events;Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society;2024-04-27







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