1. Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University Campus Zografos, GR 15783, Greece
2. Institute for Advanced Study, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstrasse 2a, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany
3. Associated to the Italian Space Agency, ASI, Via del Politecnico snc, I-00133 Roma, Italy
4. Center for Astro, Particle and Planetary Physics, New York University Abu Dhabi, PO Box 129188 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
5. Department of Astronomy, Yale University, PO Box 208101, New Haven, CT 06520-8101, USA
6. Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, UMR 7550, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
7. European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany