1. Université de Rennes I, CICIT 804, CHU Pontchaillou Rennes Service de Cardiologie et Maladies Vasculaires, , 2, rue Henri le Guilloux 35033 Rennes Cédex 09 , Rennes 35033, France
2. University of Geneva Departement of Cardiology, , Geneva , Switzerland
3. Isala Klinieken Isala Hospital, Department of Cardiology, , Zwolle , The Netherlands
4. King’s College , London , UK
5. Kerckhoff Klinik The Kerckhoff Heart and Thorax Center, Bad Nauheim, , Bad Nauheim , Germany
6. Policlinico Casilino Division of Cardiology, , Rome , Italy
7. Cardiólogo en Servicio Extremeño De Salud, Hospital Universitario de Badajoz , Badajoz , Spain
8. Ospedale Dott , Pederzoli , Italy
9. King Fahad Medical City , Saudi Arabia
10. Abbott , Plano , USA
11. Université de Montréal Electrophysiology Service Department of Cardiology, , Montreal , Canada