Neurobehavioral Mechanisms Influencing the Association Between Generativity, the Desire to Promote Well-Being of Younger Generations, and Purpose in Life in Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease


Walker Caitlin S1,Li Linda2,Baracchini Giulia13,Tremblay-Mercier Jennifer3,Spreng R Nathan13, ,Aisen Paul45,Anthal Elena67,Appleby Melissa67,Bellec Pierre648,Benbouhoud Fatiha7,Bohbot Véronique679,Brandt Jason10,Breitner John C S679,Brunelle Céline67,Chakravarty Mallar679,Cheewakriengkrai Laksanun6711,Collins Louis6412,Couture Doris7,Craft Suzanne13,Dadar Mahsa94,Daoust Leslie-Ann6,Das Samir414,Dauar-Tedeschi Marina6711,Dea Doris67,Desrochers Nicole67,Dubuc Sylvie7,Duclair Guerda67,Dufour Marianne67,Eisenberg Mark15,El-Khoury Rana67,Etienne Pierre679,Evans Alan6712,Faubert Anne-Marie7,Ferdinand Fabiola67,Fonov Vladimir1214,Fontaine David67,Francoeur Renaud67,Frenette Joanne67,Gagné Guylaine67,Gauthier Serge1667911,Geddes Maiya R1664,Gervais Valérie67,Giles Renuka67,Gonneaud Julie67,Gordon Renee67,Greco Claudia67,Hoge Rick17612,Hudon Louise6,Ituria-Medina Yasser1661214,Kat Justin6712,Kazazian Christina67,Kligman Stephanie67,Kostopoulos Penelope1218,Labonté Anne67,Lafaille-Magnan Marie-Elyse6719,Lee Tanya67,Leoutsakos Jeannie-Marie10,Leppert Illana674,Madjar Cécile674,Mahar Laura67,Maltais Jean-Robert6711,Mathieu Axel7,Mathotaarachchi Sulantha711,Mayrand Ginette67,McSweeney Melissa19,Meyer Pierre-François6719,Michaud Diane7,Miron Justin6719,Morris John C20,Multhaup Gerhard21,Münter Lisa-Marie21,Nair Vasavan7911,Near Jamie79,Newbold-Fox Holly7,Nilsson Nathalie6719,Pagé Véronique7,Pascoal Tharick A6711,Petkova Mirela674,Picard Cynthia67,Binette Alexa Pichet67,Pogossova Galina67,Poirier Judes679,Rajah Natasha6718,Remz Jordana7,Rioux Pierre4,Rosa-Neto Pedro67911,Sager Mark A22,Saint-Fort Eunice Farah7,Savard Mélissa67,Soucy Jean-Paul414,Sperling Reisa A23,Spreng Nathan4,St-Onge Frederic6719,Tardif Christine67,Théroux Louise67,Thomas Ronald G24,Toussaint Paule-Joanne514,Tremblay-Mercier Jennifer67,Tuwaig Miranda67,Vachon-Presseau Etienne725,Vallée Isabelle67,Venugopalan Vinod67,Villeneuve Sylvia679,Ducharme Simon679,Wan Karen67,Wang Seqian71119,Geddes Maiya R13


1. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), McGill University , Montreal, Quebec , Canada

2. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University , Montreal, Quebec , Canada

3. Centre for Studies in the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, Douglas Mental Health Institute, McGill University , Montreal, Quebec , Canada

4. Montreal Neurological Institute , Montreal, QC , Canada

5. Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute at University of Southern California , San Diego, CA , USA

6. STOP-AD Centre, Centre for Studies on Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease , Montreal, QC , Canada

7. Douglas Mental Health University Institute Research Centre, Affiliated with, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

8. Université de Montréal , Montreal, QC , Canada

9. Department of Psychiatry, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

10. John Hopkins University , Baltimore, MD , USA

11. Research Centre for Studies in Aging, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

12. Department of Biomedical Engineering, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

13. Wake Forest School of Medicine , Winston-Salem, NC , USA

14. McConnell Brain Imaging Center, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

15. School of Population and Global Health, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

16. Centre for Studies in the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, Douglas Mental Health Institute , McGill University, Montreal, Quebec , Canada

17. Centre for Studies in the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, Douglas Mental Health Institute, McGill University , Montreal, Quebec , Canada

18. Department of Psychology, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

19. Neuroscience Department, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

20. Washington University School of Medecine in St-Louis , St. Louis, MO , USA

21. Department of Pharmacology, McGill University , Montreal, QC , Canada

22. Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, UW School of Medicine and Public Health , Milwaukee, WI , USA

23. Center for Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment Harvard Medical School , Boston, MA , USA

24. School of Medicine, University California , San Diego, La Jolla, CA , USA

25. Northwestern University , Chicago, IL , USA


Abstract Objectives Generativity, the desire and action to improve the well-being of younger generations, is associated with purpose in life among older adults. However, the neurobehavioral factors supporting the relationship between generativity and purpose in life remain unknown. This study aims to identify the functional neuroanatomy of generativity and mechanisms linking generativity with purpose in life in at-risk older adults. Methods Fifty-eight older adults (mean age = 70.8, SD = 5.03, 45 females) with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) were recruited from the PREVENT-AD cohort. Participants underwent brain imaging and completed questionnaires assessing generativity, social support, and purpose in life. Mediation models examined whether social support mediated the association between generativity and purpose in life. Seed-to-voxel analyses investigated the association between generativity and resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and ventral striatum (VS), and whether this rsFC moderated the relationship between generativity and purpose in life. Results Affectionate social support mediated the association between generative desire and purpose in life. Generative desire was associated with rsFC between VS and precuneus, and, vmPFC and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rdlPFC). The vmPFC–rdlPFC rsFC moderated the association between generative desire and purpose in life. Discussion These findings provide insight into how the brain supports complex social behavior and, separately, purpose in life in at-risk aging. Affectionate social support may be a putative target process to enhance purpose in life in older adults. This knowledge contributes to future developments of personalized interventions that promote healthy aging.


National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

NSERC Early Career Researcher Supplement

Canada First Research Excellence Fund


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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