1. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2. Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, Shandong University and Key Laboratory of Oral Biomedicine of Shandong, Jinan, China
3. Department of Oral Kinesiology, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
4. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
5. Discipline of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney, Sydney Dental Hospital, Sydney Local Health District, New South Wales, Australia
6. Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Royal North Shore Hospital, and Charles Perkins Centre, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia