Characterization of mutations that suppress the temperature-sensitive growth of the hpr1 delta mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Fan H Y,Klein H L


Abstract The hpr1 delta 3 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is temperature-sensitive for growth at 37 degrees and has a 1000-fold increase in deletion of tandem direct repeats. The hyperrecombination phenotype, measured by deletion of a leu2 direct repeat, is partially dependent on the RAD1 and RAD52 gene products, but mutations in these RAD genes do not suppress the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype. Extragenic suppressors of the temperature-sensitive growth have been isolated and characterized. The 14 soh (suppressor of hpr1) mutants recovered represent eight complementation groups, with both dominant and recessive soh alleles. Some of the soh mutants suppress hpr1 hyperrecombination and are distinct from the rad mutants that suppress hpr1 hyperrecombination. Comparisons between the SOH genes and the RAD genes are presented as well as the requirement of RAD genes for the Soh phenotypes. Double soh mutants have been analyzed and reveal three classes of interactions: epistatic suppression of hpr1 hyperrecombination, synergistic suppression of hpr1 hyperrecombination and synthetic lethality. The SOH1 gene has been cloned and sequenced. The null allele is 10-fold increased for recombination as measured by deletion of a leu2 direct repeat.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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