Control of cellularization, nuclear localization, and antipodal cell cluster development in maize embryo sacs


Chettoor Antony M1,Yang Bing23,Evans Matthew M S1ORCID


1. Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution for Science , Stanford, CA 94305 , USA

2. Donald Danforth Plant Science Center , St. Louis, MO 63132 , USA

3. Division of Plant Science and Technology, Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri , Columbia, MO 65211 , USA


Abstract The maize female gametophyte contains four cell types: two synergids, an egg cell, a central cell, and a variable number of antipodal cells. In maize, these cells are produced after three rounds of free-nuclear divisions followed by cellularization, differentiation, and proliferation of the antipodal cells. Cellularization of the eight-nucleate syncytium produces seven cells with two polar nuclei in the central cell. Nuclear localization is tightly controlled in the embryo sac. This leads to precise allocation of the nuclei into the cells upon cellularization. Nuclear positioning within the syncytium is highly correlated with their identity after cellularization. Two mutants are described with extra polar nuclei, abnormal antipodal cell morphology, and reduced antipodal cell number, as well as frequent loss of antipodal cell marker expression. Mutations in one of these genes, indeterminate gametophyte2 encoding a MICROTUBULE ASSOCIATED PROTEIN65-3 homolog, shows a requirement for MAP65-3 in cellularization of the syncytial embryo sac as well as for normal seed development. The timing of the effects of ig2 suggests that the identity of the nuclei in the syncytial female gametophyte can be changed very late before cellularization.


National Science Foundation Plant Genome Program Grant


Oxford University Press (OUP)









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