Sketches Toward a Decolonial Applied Linguistics


De Fina Anna1ORCID,Oostendorp Marcelyn2ORCID,Ortega Lourdes1ORCID


1. Italian Deapartment and Linguistics Department, Georgetown University , Washington, DC , USA

2. Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University , Stellenbosch , South Africa


Abstract This special issue responds to an increasing interest in decolonial and Southern thinking in applied linguistics. In this Introduction, we first discuss some basic historical facts about colonization, and we highlight some key concepts. We then present the six contributions in the special issue. Three contributions compellingly expose the pervasiveness of coloniality and give reason to doubt that it can ever be overcome; the other three contributions open spaces for the decolonial possibilities of healing, hope, and futurity. We then discuss some key issues in decolonial and Southern scholarship, including the role of non-conventional writing in decolonial research, the differences between decolonial and social justice projects, the difficulties of decolonizing Eurocentric knowledge through Euro-Anglo-Northern tools, and deep inequities in the geopolitics of knowledge. We hope that the special issue will enable readers to re-see long-standing applied linguistics questions through decolonial and Southern lenses. We also hope to make the case why decolonial projects are worth the trouble.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Communication

Reference76 articles.

1. ‘Indigenous futures: A conversation with Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil’,;Aguilar Gil,2022

2. Political discourse analysis: A decolonial approach;Ahmed;Critical Discourse Studies,2021

3. ‘Applied linguists cultivating relationships for justice: An aspirational call to action,’;Avineri;Applied Linguistics,2021

4. ‘Contemporary issues of languaging, participation and ways-of-being,’;Bagga-Gupta;Bandung,2022







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