1. Graduate School of Science and Technology Laboratory of Metabolism, Division of Molecular Science, , Gunma University, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan
2. Gunma University Department of Biochemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, , Maebashi 371-8511, Japan
3. Gunma University Laboratory of Developmental Biology and Metabolism, Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation, , Maebashi, Gunma 371-8512, Japan
4. Teikyo Heisei University Faculty of Health Care, , Tokyo 170-8445, Japan
5. Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Cell Biology, , Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama 700-8558, Japan
6. National Cancer Institute Laboratory of Metabolism, Center for Cancer Research, , National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20852, USA
7. Gunma University Center for Food Science and Wellness , Maebashi, Gunma 371-8510, Japan