1. Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine , New Haven, Connecticut , USA
2. Department of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health , New Haven, Connecticut , USA
3. Department of Emergency Medicine, Rush University Medical Center , Chicago, Illinois , USA
4. Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research, David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) , Los Angeles, California , USA
5. Department of Health Policy and Management, Fielding School of Public Health at UCLA , Los Angeles, California , USA
6. Harborview Center for Prehospital Emergency Care, University of Washington , Seattle, Washington , USA
7. Department of Emergency Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , USA
8. Departments of Family Medicine and Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington , Seattle, Washington , USA
9. Department of Emergency Medicine, UTHealth Houston, McGovern Medical School , Houston, Texas , USA
10. Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas, Texas , USA
11. Department of Emergency Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine , New Haven, Connecticut , USA
12. Department of Internal Medicine, Rush University Medical Center , Chicago, Illinois , USA
13. Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Yale New Haven Hospital , New Haven, Connecticut , USA
14. National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention , Atlanta, Georgia , USA
15. Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California , San Francisco, California , USA
16. Departments of Family Medicine, Harborview Center for Prehospital Emergency Care, University of Washington , Seattle, Washington , USA
17. National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Atlanta, Georgia , USA
18. Chief Informatics Officer, Tendo Systems, Inc. , San Francisco, California , USA
19. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Rush University Medical Center and Cook County Health , Chicago, Illinois , USA