The consequences of sea lamprey parasitism on lake trout energy budgets


Firkus Tyler J1,Lika Konstadia2ORCID,Dean Noah1,Murphy Cheryl A1ORCID


1. Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, , 480 Wilson Road, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

2. University of Crete Department of Biology, , GR-70013,P.O.Box 2208, Heraklion, Crete, Greece


AbstractParasitism is an energetically costly event for host species. Dynamic energy budget (DEB) theory describes the metabolic dynamics of an individual organism through its lifetime. Models derived from DEB theory specify how an organism converts food to reserves (maintenance-free energy available for metabolism) and allocates mobilized reserves to maintenance, growth (increase of structural body mass) and maturation or reproduction. DEB models thus provide a useful approach to describe the consequences of parasitism for host species. We developed a DEB model for siscowet lake trout and modeled the impact of sea lamprey parasitism on growth and reproduction using data collected from studies documenting the long-term effects following a non-lethal sea lamprey attack. The model was parameterized to reflect the changes in allocation of energy towards growth and reproduction observed in lake trout following sea lamprey parasitism and includes an estradiol module that describes the conversion of reproductive reserves to ovarian mass based on estradiol concentration. In our DEB model, parasitism increased somatic and maturity maintenance costs, reduced estradiol and decreased the estradiol-mediated conversion efficiency of reproductive reserves to ovarian mass. Muscle lipid composition of lake trout influenced energy mobilization from the reserve (efficiency of converting reserves allocated to reproduction into eggs) and reproductive efficiency. These model changes accurately reflect observed empirical changes to ovarian mass and growth. This model provides a plausible explanation of the energetic mechanisms that lead to skipped spawning following sea lamprey parasitism and could be used in population models to explore sublethal impacts of sea lamprey parasitism and other stressors on population dynamics.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecological Modeling,Physiology







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