1. Unit Epidemiology, Zoonoses and Antimicrobial Resistance, Department Biological Safety, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, Germany
2. Division of Healthcare-associated Infections, Surveillance of Antibiotic Resistance and Consumption, Department Infectious of Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany
3. Department of Veterinary Medicine, Institute for Veterinary Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany
4. Study Department for Infectious Diseases, MVZ Labor Dr. Limbach & Kollegen GbR, Heidelberg, Germany
5. Department of Microbiology, Labor Mönchengladbach MVZ Dr Stein + Kollegen DbR, Mönchengladbach, Germany
6. Department of Bacteriology, LADR GmbH MVZ Nord, Flintbek, Germany
7. Department of Microbiology, SYNLAB MVZ Berlin GmbH, Berlin, Germany
8. Labor Dr. Fenner & Kollegen MVZ, Hamburg, Germany
9. Zentrallabor FEK—Friedrich-Ebert-Krankenhaus Neumünster GmbH, Neumünster, Germany