The Moral Argument


Baggett David,Walls Jerry


The history of the moral argument is a fascinating tale to tell. Like any good story, it is full of twists and unexpected turns, compelling conflicts, rich and idiosyncratic characters, both central and ancillary players. The narrative is as labyrinthine and circuitous as it is linear, its point remains to be fully seen, and its ending has yet to be written. What remains certain is the importance of telling it. The resources of history offer a refresher course, a teachable moment, a cautionary tale about the need to avoid making sacrosanct the trends of the times, and an often sobering lesson in why reigning assumptions may need to be rejected. If insights from luminaries of moral apologetics prove penetrating and their challenges formidable, then an intentional effort to recapture the richness of the history of the moral argument will likely prove to be illuminating. This book lets the argument’s advocates, many long dead, come alive again and speak for themselves. An historical study of the moral argument is a reminder of how classical philosophers were unafraid to ask and explore the big questions of faith, hope, and love; of truth, goodness, and beauty; of God, freedom, and immortality. It gives students and scholars alike the chance to drill down into their ideas, contexts, and arguments, inviting us all to learn to live with the moral argument. Only by a careful study of its history can we come to see its richness and the fertile range of resources it offers.


Oxford University Press

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