Doing things with utterance grammar


Corr Alice


AbstractThis chapter synthesizes the key findings of Part I, and lays out the proposal for the Utterance Phrase (UP) as the utterance-oriented domain ‘beyond the clause’. U-heads are argued to assemble structure outside the phasal template, such that utterance-oriented constituents (in the specifiers of the UP) are formally connected to the ‘host’ sentence at its leftmost edge without being ‘part of’ that sentence (i.e. its phasal structure). The UP is conceptualized as the locus of utterance packaging of base-generated ‘utterance topics’ (viz. root-like, phase-external adjuncts) interpretatively modificational and hierarchically superior to the CP. Extending the sentence to include the (non-phasal) UP facilitates, in turn, the proposal that ‘dynamic’ conversational moves can be modelled under topological mapping principles within the clausal syntax. Accordingly, a maximally specified ‘rigid’ CP constitutes a simple (single) conversational update, and U-heads connect via their specifiers similarly simple conversational updates to that CP; together, these updates implement a complex conversational move.


Oxford University PressOxford

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