In recent years there has been increasing excitement concerning the potential of Artificial Intelligence to transform human society. This book addresses the leading edge of research in this area. The research described aims to address present incompatibilities of Human and Machine reasoning and learning approaches. According to the influential US funding agency DARPA (originator of the Internet and Self-Driving Cars) this new area represents the Third Wave of Artificial Intelligence (3AI, 2020s–2030s), and is being actively investigated in the US, Europe and China. The EPSRC’s UK network on Human-Like Computing (HLC) was one of the first internationally to initiate and support research specifically in this area. Starting activities in 2018, the network represents around sixty leading UK groups Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Scientists involved in the development of the inter-disciplinary area of HLC. The research of network groups aims to address key unsolved problems at the interface between Psychology and Computer Science. The chapters of this book have been authored by a mixture of these UK and other international specialists based on recent workshops and discussions at the Machine Intelligence 20 and 21 workshops (2016,2019) and the Third Wave Artificial Intelligence workshop (2019). Some of the key questions addressed by the Human-Like Computing programme include how AI systems might 1) explain their decisions effectively, 2) interact with human beings in natural language, 3) learn from small numbers of examples and 4) learn with minimal supervision. Solving such fundamental problems involves new foundational research in both the Psychology of perception and interaction as well as the development of novel algorithmic approaches in Artificial Intelligence.