Issues of Ethics and Morality


Reber Arthur S.,Baluška František,Miller William B.


Abstract The CBC model requires us to engage in a complex topic, one that has been a mainstay of the concerns of scientists in a variety of fields, moral philosophers, governmental regulators, ethicists, naturalists, activists, and residents of planet Earth who are concerned about issues relating to life, suffering, mitigation, and the fate of life. However, by virtue of our core principle, that life and sentience are coterminous, our approach to these issues becomes much more inclusive, extensive, and more complex. As noted many (many!) times, the standard approach to consciousness is to begin the explorations with us, Homo sapiens, and then explore the evolutionary tree for evidence of sentience in other species. Once found, these species and others with similar cognitive capacities, are the ones where animal welfare and related principles should be applied. For us, this includes all living species—and a distinctly different cluster of issues is raised.


Oxford University PressOxford

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