Remedying the Foundation of Social Work Education


Gillani Braveheart,BlackDeer Autumn Asher,Cohen Flora


Abstract Professional social work practice was developed and propagated by White people, much like the majority of American institutions. This foundation has led to a profession that haphazardly perpetuates selective aphasia about the impacts of racism both historically and at present. Furthermore, social workers continue to engage in implicit or explicitly racist behaviors without critically thinking how they contribute toward upholding racist systems. It is vital that social work education institutions utilize critical race theory to embed antiracist pedagogy into practice. Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) scholars have produced robust antiracist pedagogical ideologies, techniques, and practices over time; however, the academy has resisted integrating these practices within bachelor’s- and master’s-level social work education. This chapter discusses the history of social work and antiracism and the current state of social work values, competencies, and pedagogy, and puts forth several strategies for implementing and integrating antiracist pedagogy within social work classrooms.


Oxford University PressNew York

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