Parallels in parasite behavior: The other side of the host–parasite relationship


Resetarits Emlyn J.,Bartlett Lewis J.,Wilson Cali A.,Willoughby Anna R.


AbstractThis book has principally explored how parasites impact and are impacted by the behaviors of hosts and vectors, however the behavior of parasites themselves is also critical for understanding the linkages between behavior and parasitism. Parasite behaviors are diverse, remarkable, and important for studying disease ecology and evolution. In this chapter, we use focal themes from this book (e.g., social behavior, sexual selection, movement) to frame current horizons in parasite behavioral research, highlighting particular aspects of the literature that introduce fruitful avenues for future work. We also demonstrate how host behavior and parasite behavior can feedback on each other to influence disease dynamics and host–pathogen coevolution.


Oxford University PressOxford

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