THE SMART MONEY would have bet on Bell Telephone Laboratories as the laser race started. Townes and Schawlow’s work gave Bell a solid head start over everyone but Gould, who was still struggling for support. Bell was in its glory days, considered to be the world’s premier industrial research laboratory, and the driving force behind the steady advances of communications technology. In 1956 Bell bagged the Nobel Prize in Physics for the transistor, although by then only one of the three recipients—Walter Brattain—remained on the Bell payroll. Other companies tried to model their own research after Bell’s, even borrowing from the architecture of the sprawling suburban campus in Murray Hill, New Jersey.
Oxford University PressNew York, NY
Reference134 articles.
1. The realization of a medium with negative absorption coefficient;Zh Eksp Teor Fiz
2. Theory of the molecular generator and molecular power amplifier;Zh Eksp Teor Fiz,1956