The United States and Europe


Wald Kenneth D.


Abstract Political differences rooted in religion are a defining feature of contemporary political life. How do religious differences become the basis for stable political cleavages? This chapter argues that nations exhibit a regime of religion and State, a set of laws, norms, and practices that govern the public role of religion. These influence how religion is politicized. In the United States, with a fragmented religious population, religiously neutral State, and unregulated religious market, political elites often mobilize religious voters by means of social movements. These movements exploit cultural differences, aiming to attract particular segments of the electorate to the party banner. By contrast, the European religion–State regime developed from a long history of established religion and confessional parties. Where State power has been allocated to the religious sector, religious elites drive the process by which religious impulses assume political relevance in much of Western Europe.


Oxford University PressOxford

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