How Art Works


Winner Ellen


The final chapter of this book briefly summarizes what psychologists have learned about how art works—how we experience art. The key questions and contrasting philosophical positions and commonsense views discussed in each chapter are reviewed, followed by findings from empirical studies on how ordinary people (non-philosophers, and individuals without art or art history training) think about these questions. While philosophers search for the best answer to these questions based on careful reasoning, psychologists look at how ordinary people answer these questions, without raising the question of what is “correct.” The answers that psychologists have revealed as they explore ordinary people’s responses to philosophical questions help us understand how ordinary people experience art.


Oxford University Press

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1. Construction of Immersive Art Space Using Mirror Display and Its Evaluation by Psychological Experiment;Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering;2024

2. EMOTIONAL SOUNDTRACK: INFLUENCE OF MUSIC COMPOSERS ON AUDIENCE EMOTION;Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal;2024-01-01

3. On literary meaning;Neohelicon;2022-05-16

4. Can Mass-Produced Original Paintings Be Called Art?;Mass-Produced Original Paintings, the Psychology of Art, and an Everyday Aesthetics;2020







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