Multiphoton Photoelectric Effects


He Guang S.


Abstract Multi-photon excitation may produce the photoelectron emission from the surface of a metal sample or induce the conductivity change in a semiconductor sample. In both cases and under appropriate experimental conditions, the photoelectric yield resulting from the m-photon excitation is proportional to the mth power of the incident laser intensity. When one of the intermediate-state energy levels related to the multi-photon transitions is close to or overlapped with one of the material’s eigenenergy levels, the photoelectric yield is significantly enhanced. Based on this kind of resonance enhancement, the image-potential states (IPSs) of a metal surface and the exciton transition behavior of a semiconductor sample can be well studied via the multi-photon excitation technique. In addition, the time-resolved IPS study can be implemented using a pump-probe approach.


Oxford University PressOxford

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