Physical Oceanography


Álvarez-Borrego Saul


The nature of the relationships between physical and biological processes in the ocean is subtle and complex. Not only do the physical phenomena create a structure, such as a shallow, mixed layer or a front, within which biological processes may proceed, but they also influence the rates of biological processes in many indirect ways. In the ocean, physical phenomena control the distribution of nutrients necessary for phytoplankton photosynthesis. Places with higher kinetic energy have higher concentrations of planktonic organisms, and that makes the whole food web richer (Mann and Lazier 1996). For example, in the midriff region of the Sea of Cortés (Tiburón and Ángel de la Guarda; fig. 1.2), tidal currents are strong, and intense mixing occurs, creating a situation similar to constant upwelling. Thus, primary productivity is high, and this area supports large numbers of sea birds and marine mammals (Maluf 1983). The Gulf of California is a dynamic marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean and has been described as an area of great fertility since the time of early explorers. Gilbert and Allen (1943) described it as fabulously rich in marine life, with waters fairly teeming with multitudes of fish, and to maintain these large numbers, there must be correspondingly huge crops of their ultimate food, the phytoplankton. Topographically the gulf is divided into a series of basins and trenches, deepening to the south and separated from each other by transverse ridges (Shepard 1950; fig. 3.1). Input of nutrients into the gulf from rivers is low and has only local coastal effects. The Baja peninsula has only one, very small river, near 27°N; rivers in mainland Mexico and the Colorado River have dams that divert most of the water for agricultural and urban use. The gulf has three main natural fertilization mechanisms: wind-induced upwelling, tidal mixing, and thermohaline circulation. Upwelling occurs off the eastern coast with northwesterly winds (winter conditions from December through May) and off the Baja California coast with southeasterly winds (summer conditions from July through October), with June and November as transition periods (Álvarez-Borrego and Lara- Lara 1991).


Oxford University Press







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