This chapter analyzes Qur’ānic stories on fasting and feasting by focusing on echoing phrases, words, and actions, in order to explore how Qur’ānic stories interact with each other. The basic form of an exchange encounter can be seen in the stories of Zakariyyā and Maryam, in which they are to fast (to make a sacrifice) in exchange for a child. From there, the stories have variations, through which the chapter argues that asking for things from God is not a problem; the issue is how one asks, which is a reflection of one’s belief. All of this, the chapter shows, is connected to the metanarrative verse 2:186. The chapter demonstrates that the various exchange encounters in the Qur’ān unite the Qur’ānic stories on fasting and feasting, and they are united both thematically and stylistically.
Oxford University PressNew York