Growth performance, antibody response, and mammary gland development in New Zealand dairy replacement bovine heifers fed low or high amounts of unpasteurized whole milk


Khan M Ajmal1ORCID,Heiser Axel2ORCID,Maclean Paul H13ORCID,Leath Shane R4,Lowe Katherine A1,Molenaar Adrian J5ORCID


1. Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Grasslands Research Centre, AgResearch Ltd. , Private Bag 11008, Palmerston North 4442 , New Zealand

2. Infectious Diseases, Hopkirk Research Institute, AgResearch Ltd., Massey University , Palmerston North 4472 , New Zealand

3. Data Science, Digital Agriculture, Grasslands Research Centre, AgResearch Ltd. , Private Bag 11008, Palmerston North 4442 , New Zealand

4. Data Science, Digital Agriculture, Ruakura Research Centre, AgResearch Ltd. , Private Bag 3123, Hamilton 3214 , New Zealand

5. Animal Nutrition and Physiology Team, Animal Science, Grasslands Research Centre, AgResearch Ltd. , Nutrition House, Fitxherbert Science Centre, Palmerston North 4442 , New Zealand


Abstract This study evaluated the influence of feeding low and high preweaning allowances of unpasteurized whole milk (MA) on intake, selected blood metabolites, antibody response, mammary gland growth, and growth of New Zealand (NZ) dairy heifers to 7 mo of age. At 10 ± 2 d of age (study day 0), group-housed (six·pen−1) heifer calves (Holstein-Friesian × Jersey) were allocated to low (4 L whole milk·calf−1·d−1; n = 7 pens) or high (8 L whole milk·calf−1·d−1; n = 7 pens) MA for the next 63 d. Calves were gradually weaned between days 63 ± 2 and 73 ± 2. Calves in each pen had ad-libitum access to clean water, pelleted calf starter, and chopped grass hay from day 1 to 91 ± 2 d. At 92 ± 2 d, all calves were transferred to pasture, grazed in a mob, and their growth and selected blood metabolites were measured until day 209. All animals were weighed weekly during the indoor period (to day 91) and then at days 105, 112, 128, 162, 184, and 209. Skeletal growth measurements and blood samples to analyze selected metabolites were collected at the start of the experiment, weaning, and then postweaning on day 91, and day 201. Specific antibodies against Leptospira and Clostridia were quantified in weeks 7, 13, and 27. Mammary glands were scanned using ultrasonography at the start of the experiment, weaning, and day 201. Feeding high vs. low amounts of MA increased the preweaning growth in heifer calves (P = 0.02) without negatively affecting postweaning average daily gain (ADG) (P = 0.74). Compared with heifers fed with low MA, high MA fed heifers had a greater increase in antibodies against Leptospira and Clostridia by 13 wk of age (P = 0.0007 and P = 0.06, respectively). By 27 wk of age, the antibody response was the same in heifers offered low or high MA. There was no effect of MA on the total size of the mammary gland, measured by ultrasonography, at weaning and 7 mo of age. However, the greater MA was associated with more mammary parenchyma (P = 0.01) and less mammary fat pad (P = 0.03) in back glands at 7 mo of age compared with heifers fed lower MA. In conclusion, feeding a high vs. a low amount of unpasteurized whole milk increased the preweaning growth of New Zealand replacement heifers without negatively affecting their ADG during postweaning under grazing conditions. Feeding more (8 vs. 4 L·d−1) unpasteurized whole milk positively affected antibody responses early in life and mammary gland composition by 7 mo of age in dairy heifers reared for pasture-based dairy systems.


AgResearch Strategic Science Investment Fund

Crown Research Institute Core Funds

Strategic Science Investment Fund

AgResearch Ltd

New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Genetics,Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Food Science

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