1. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, in Juneau, Alaska
2. NOAA Fisheries’ Northwest Fisheries Science Center, in Seattle, Washington
3. US Geological Survey's Western Fisheries Research Center, also in Seattle
4. US Geological Survey's Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, in Portland, Oregon
5. US Geological Survey's Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, in Santa Cruz, California
6. University of Montana's Department of Geosciences, in Missoula
7. US Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory, in Vancouver, Washington
8. US Geological Survey's Fort Collins Science Center, in Fort Collins, Colorado
9. Studies chief at the US Geological Survey's Arizona Water Science Center, in Tucson, Arizona
10. US Geological Survey's Oregon Water Science Center, in Portland, Oregon
11. Department of Geology at Bowling Green State University, in Bowling Green, Ohio
12. US Geological Survey's Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Cascadia Field Station, at the University of Washington, in Seattle, Washington
13. American Rivers, in Washington DC