Declining Enrolment and Other Challenges in IBD Clinical Trials: Causes and Potential Solutions


Uzzan Mathieu1ORCID,Bouhnik Yoram2,Abreu Maria3,Ahmad Harris A4,Adsul Shashi5,Carlier Hilde6,Dubinsky Marla7,Germinaro Matthew8,Jairath Vipul9,Modesto Irene10,Mortensen Eric11,Narula Neeraj12ORCID,Neimark Ezequiel13,Oortwijn Alessandra14,Protic Marijana15,Rubin David T16ORCID,Oh Young S17,Wichary Jolanta18,Peyrin-Biroulet Laurent19,Reinisch Walter20


1. Paris Est Créteil University UPEC, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Henri Mondor Hospital, Gastroenterology Department, Fédération Hospitalo-Universitaire TRUE InnovaTive theRapy for immUne disordErs , Créteil F-94010 , France

2. Paris IBD Center, Groupe hospitalier Ambroise Paré – Hartmann 25–27 boulevard Victor Hugo , 92200 Neuilly sur Seine , France

3. Crohn’s & Colitis Center , Miami, FL , USA

4. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company , Princeton, NJ , USA

5. Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG , Zurich , Switzerland

6. Eli Lilly and Company, Global Immunology , Brussels , Belgium

7. Susan and Leonard Feinstein IBD Center, Icahn School of Medicine , Mount Sinai, NY , USA

8. Janssen Research & Development, LLC , Spring House , PA , USA

9. Departments of Medicine, Epidemiology and Biostatsistics, Western University , London , Canada

10. Pfizer Inc. , Madrid , Spain

11. Regeneron, Fédération Hospitalo-Universitaire TRUE InnovaTive theRapy for immUne disordErs, Gastroenterology Department , Créteil , France

12. Department of Medicine (Division of Gastroenterology) and Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, McMaster University , Hamilton, ON , Canada

13. AbbVie , North Chicago, IL , USA

14. Galapagos N.V. , Leiden , The Netherlands

15. Eli Lilly and Company, International Business Unit , Vernier/Geneva , Switzerland

16. University of Chicago Medicine Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center , Chicago, IL , USA

17. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. , 900 Ridgebury Rd, Ridgefield, CT 06877 , USA

18. ICON Clinical Research , Frankfurt , Germany

19. University of Lorraine, University Hospital of Nancy , Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy , France

20. Medizinische Universität Wien Klinische Abt. Gastroenterologie & Hepatologie, AKH Wien Arbeitsgruppe Chronisch Entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (CED) Währinger Gürtel 18-20 , A-1090 Vienna , Austria


Abstract Background Rates of enrolment in clinical trials in inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] have decreased dramatically in recent years. This has led to delays, increased costs and failures to develop novel treatments. Aims The aim of this work is to describe the current bottlenecks of IBD clinical trial enrolment and propose solutions. Methods A taskforce comprising experienced IBD clinical trialists from academic centres and pharmaceutical companies involved in IBD clinical research predefined the four following levels: [1] study design, [2] investigative centre, [3] physician and [4] patient. At each level, the taskforce collectively explored the reasons for declining enrolment rates and generated an inventory of potential solutions. Results The main reasons identified included the overall increased demands for trials, the high screen failure rates, particularly in Crohn’s disease, partly due to the lack of correlation between clinical and endoscopic activity, and the use of complicated endoscopic scoring systems not reflective of the totality of inflammation. In addition, complex trial protocols with restrictive eligibility criteria, increasing burden of procedures and administrative tasks enhance the need for qualified resources in study coordination. At the physician level, lack of dedicated time and training is crucial. From the patients’ perspective, long washout periods from previous medications and protocol requirements not reflecting clinical practice, such as prolonged steroid management and placebo exposures, limit their participation in clinical trials. Conclusion This joint effort is proposed as the basis for profound clinical trial transformation triggered by investigative centres, contract research organizations, sponsors and regulatory agencies.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Gastroenterology,General Medicine







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