Extra-intestinal Manifestations at Diagnosis in Paediatric- and Elderly-onset Ulcerative Colitis are Associated With a More Severe Disease Outcome: A Population-based Study


Duricova Dana1,Leroyer Ariane1,Savoye Guillaume2,Sarter Hélène13,Pariente Benjamin4,Aoucheta Djamila5,Armengol-Debeir Laura2,Ley Delphine36,Turck Dominique36,Peyrin-Biroulet Laurent7,Gower-Rousseau Corinne13,Fumery Mathurin38,Andre JM,Antonietti M,Aouakli A,Armand A,Aroichane I,Assi F,Aubet JP,Auxenfants E,Ayafi-Ramelot F,Bankovski D,Barbry B,Bardoux N,Baron P,Baudet A,Bazin B,Bebahani A,Becqwort JP,Benet V,Benali H,Benguigui C,Ben Soussan E,Bental A,Berkelmans I,Bernet J,Bernou K,Bernou-Dron C,Bertot P,Bertiaux-Vandaële N,Bertrand V,Billoud E,Biron N,Bismuth B,Bleuet M,Blondel F,Blondin V,Bohon P,Boniface E,Bonnière P,Bonvarlet E,Bonvarlet P,Boruchowicz A,Bostvironnois R,Boualit M,Bouche B,Boudaillez C,Bourgeaux C,Bourgeois M,Bourguet A,Bourienne A,Branche J,Bray G,Brazier F,Breban P,Brihier H,Brung-Lefebvre V,Bulois P,Burgiere P,Butel J,Canva JY,Canva-Delcambre V,Capron JP,Cardot F,Carpentier P,Cartier E,Cassar JF,Cassagnou M,Castex JF,Catala P,Cattan S,Catteau S,Caujolle B,Cayron G,Chandelier C,Chantre M,Charles J,Charneau T,Chavance-Thelu M,Chirita D,Choteau A,Claerbout JF,Clergue PY,Coevoet H,Cohen G,Collet R,Colombel JF,Coopman S,Corvisart J,Cortot A,Couttenier F,Crinquette JF,Crombe V,Dadamessi I,Dapvril V,Davion T,Dautreme S,Debas J,Degrave N,Dehont F,Delatre C,Delcenserie R,Delette O,Delgrange T,Delhoustal L,Delmotte JS,Demmane S,Deregnaucourt G,Descombes P,Desechalliers JP,Desmet P,Desreumaux P,Desseaux G,Desurmont P,Devienne A,Devouge E,Devred M,Devroux A,Dewailly A,Dharancy S,Di Fiore A,Djeddi D,Djedir R,Dreher-Duwat ML,Dubois R,Dubuque C,Ducatillon P,Duclay J,Ducrocq B,Ducrot F,Ducrotté P,Dufilho A,Duhamel C,Dujardin D,Dumant-Forest C,Dupas JL,Dupont F,Duranton Y,Duriez A,El Achkar K,El Farisi M,Elie C,Elie-Legrand MC,Elkhaki A,Eoche M,Evrard D,Evrard JP,Fatome A,Filoche B,Finet L,Flahaut M,Flamme C,Foissey D,Fournier P,Foutrein-Comes MC,Foutrein P,Fremond D,Frere T,Fumery M,Gallet P,Gamblin C,Ganga-Zandzou S,Gerard R,Geslin G,Gheyssens Y,Ghossini N,Ghrib S,Gilbert T,Gillet B,Godard D,Godard P,Godchaux JM,Godchaux R,Goegebeur G,Goria O,Gottrand F,Gower P,Grandmaison B,Groux M,Guedon C,Guillard JF,Guillem L,Guillemot F,Guimber D,Haddouche B,Hakim S,Hanon D,Hautefeuille V,Heckestweiller P,Hecquet G,Hedde JP,Hellal H,Henneresse PE,Heyman B,Heraud M,Herve S,Hochain P,Houssin-Bailly L,Houcke P,Huguenin B,Iobagiu S,Ivanovic A,Iwanicki-Caron I,Janicki E,Jarry M,Jeu J,Joly JP,Jonas C,Katherin F,Kerleveo A,Khachfe A,Kiriakos A,Kiriakos J,Klein O,Kohut M,Kornhauser R,Koutsomanis D,Laberenne JE,Laffineur G,Lagarde M,Lannoy P,Lapchin J,Lapprand M,Laude D,Leblanc R,Lecieux P,Leclerc N,Le Couteulx C,Ledent J,Lefebvre J,Lefiliatre P,Legrand C,Le Grix A,Lelong P,Leluyer B,Lenaerts C,Lepileur L,Leplat A,Lepoutre-Dujardin E,Leroi H,Leroy MY,Lesage JP,Lesage X,Lesage J,Lescanne-Darchis I,Lescut J,Lescut D,Leurent B,Levy P,Lhermie M,Lion A,Lisambert B,Loire F,Louf S,Louvet A,Luciani M,Lucidarme D,Lugand J,Macaigne O,Maetz D,Maillard D,Mancheron H,Manolache O,Marks-Brunel AB,Marti R,Martin F,Martin G,Marzloff E,Mathurin P,Mauillon J,Maunoury V,Maupas JL,Mesnard B,Metayer P,Methari L,Meurisse B,Meurisse F,Michaud L,Mirmaran X,Modaine P,Monthe A,Morel L,Mortier PE,Moulin E,Mouterde O,Mudry J,Nachury M,N’Guyen Khac E,Notteghem B,Ollevier V,Ostyn A,Ouraghi A,Ouvry D,Paillot B,Panien-Claudot N,Paoletti C,Papazian A,Parent B,Pariente B,Paris JC,Patrier P,Paupart L,Pauwels B,Pauwels M,Petit R,Piat M,Piotte S,Plane C,Plouvier B,Pollet E,Pommelet P,Pop D,Pordes C,Pouchain G,Prades P,Prevost A,Prevost JC,Quesnel B,Queuniet AM,Quinton JF,Rabache A,Rabelle P,Raclot G,Ratajczyk S,Rault D,Razemon V,Reix N,Revillon M,Richez C,Robinson P,Rodriguez J,Roger J,Roux JM,Rudelli A,Saber A,Savoye G,Schlosseberg P,Segrestin M,Seguy D,Serin M,Seryer A,Sevenet F,Shekh N,Silvie J,Simon V,Spyckerelle C,Talbodec N,Techy A,Thelu JL,Thevenin A,Thiebault H,Thomas J,Thorel JM,Tielman G,Tode M,Toisin J,Tonnel J,Touchais JY,Touze Y,Tranvouez JL,Triplet C,Turck D,Uhlen S,Vaillant E,Valmage C,Vanco D,Vandamme H,Vanderbecq E,Vander Eecken E,Vandermolen P,Vandevenne P,Vandeville L,Vandewalle A,Vandewalle C,Vaneslander P,Vanhoove JP,Vanrenterghem A,Varlet P,Vasies I,Verbiese G,Vernier-Massouille G,Vermelle P,Verne C,Vezilier-Cocq P,Vigneron B,Vincendet M,Viot J,Voiment YM,Wacrenier A,Waeghemaecker L,Wallez JY,Wantiez M,Wartel F,Weber J,Willocquet JL,Wizla N,Wolschies E,Zalar A,Zaouri B,Zellweger A,Ziade C,


1. Public Health, Epidemiology and Economic Health, Registre EPIMAD, Lille University and Hospital, Lille, France

2. Gastroenterology Unit, EPIMAD Registry, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France

3. Lille Inflammation Research International Center LIRIC—UMR 995 Inserm Lille 2 University, Lille, France

4. Gastroenterology Unit, Hôpital Huriez, Lille University Hospital, Lille, France

5. Associated Medical Director, Immunology, MSD France, Courbevoie cedex, France

6. Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Lille University Jeanne de Flandre Children’s Hospital, University of Lille, Lille, France

7. Gastroenterology Unit, Inserm U954, Nancy University and Hospital, Nancy, France

8. Gastroenterology Unit, EPIMAD Registry, Amiens University Hospital, Amiens, France


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Gastroenterology,General Medicine

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