A revision of the higher latitude periwinkle species Laevilitorina caliginosa sensu lato


Rosenfeld Sebastián1234,Segovia Nicolás I56,Maturana Claudia S34,Aldea Cristián1,Saucède Thomas7ORCID,Brickle Paul89,Spencer Hamish G10,Poulin Elie3,González-Wevar Claudio A311ORCID


1. Centro de Investigación Gaia-Antártica, Universidad de Magallanes , Avenida Bulnes 01855, Punta Arenas , Chile

2. Laboratorio de Ecosistemas Marinos Antárticos y Subantárticos, Universidad de Magallanes , Punta Arenas , Chile

3. Instituto Milenio Biodiversidad de Ecosistemas Antárticos y Subantárticos (MI-BASE) , Santiago , Chile

4. Cape Horn International Center (CHIC), Universidad de Magallanes , Punta Arenas , Chile

5. Departamento de Biología Marina, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte , Coquimbo , Chile

6. Instituto Milenio en Socio-Ecología Costera (SECOS) , Santiago , Chile

7. Biogéosciences, UMR 6282 CNRS, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté , 6, boulevard Gabriel, 21000, Dijon , France

8. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute , Ross Road, Stanley, Falkland Islands , UK

9. School of Biological Sciences (Zoology), University of Aberdeen , Aberdeen , UK

10. Department of Zoology, University of Otago , Dunedin , New Zealand

11. Instituto de Ciencias Marinas y Limnológicas (ICML) – Centro de Investigación en Dinámicas de Ecosistemas de Altas Latitudes (Fondap IDEAL), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile , Casilla 567, Valdivia , Chile


Abstract The marine gastropod genus Laevilitorina is exclusive to the Southern Hemisphere, with 21 species from southern South America, Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand, and sub-Antarctic Islands. We present a comprehensive revision of Laevilitorina, using molecular and morphological analyses, to address formally the interspecific divergences within the nominal taxon Laevilitorina caliginosa s.l. We confirm the validity of L. caliginosa and Laevilitorina venusta, and we demonstrate that specimens from the Strait of Magellan and Hornos Island constitute four new species here described: Laevilitorina magellanica sp. nov., Laevilitorina pepita sp. nov., Laevilitorina fueguina sp. nov., and Laevilitorina hicana sp. nov. All six species are clearly distinguishable genetically, morphologically, and through radular tooth shape and configurations. Laevilitorina venusta is broadly distributed across the Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia, and sub-Antarctic Islands (Marion, Crozet, Kerguelen, and Macquarie), whereas L. caliginosa s.s. appears geographically restricted to Cape Horn, the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, and South Georgia. The identification of populations from Macquarie Island as L. caliginosa is dubious; we suggest that these records are likely to pertain to L. venusta. This detailed revision of Laevilitorina, whereby hidden diversity was detected, significantly enriches our knowledge of the evolutionary history of this group.


Millennium Science Initiative Program

Initiation Fondecyt

Darwin Plus


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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