Short communication: diversity of endogenous avian leukosis virus subgroup E elements in 11 chicken breeds


Wang Ziyi1,Yuan Yiming1,Zheng Gang1,Sun Meng1,Wang Qinyuan1,Wu Junfeng1,Li Junying1,Sun Congjiao1,Wang Yongqiang2,Yang Ning1,Lian Ling1


1. National Engineering Laboratory for Animal Breeding, Beijing Key Laboratory for Animal Genetic Improvement, College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University , Beijing 100193 , China

2. Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University , Beijing, 100193 , China


AbstractAvian leukosis virus subgroup E (ALVE) as a kind of endogenous retroviruses extensively exists in chicken genome. The insertion of ALVE has some effects on chicken production traits and appearance. Most of the work on ALVEs has been done with commercial breeds. We present here an investigation of ALVE elements in seven Chinese domestic breeds and four standard breeds. Firstly, we established an ALVE insertion site dataset by using the obsERVer pipeline to identify ALVEs from whole-genome sequence data of eleven chicken breeds, seven Chinese domestic breeds, including Beijing You (BY), Dongxiang (DX), Luxi Game (LX), Shouguang (SG), Silkie (SK), Tibetan (TB) and Wenchang (WC), four standard breeds, including White Leghorn (WL), White Plymouth Rock (WR), Cornish (CS), and Rhode Island Red (RIR). A total of 37 ALVE insertion sites were identified and 23 of them were novel. Most of these insertion sites were distributed in intergenic regions and introns. We then used locus-specific PCR to validate the insertion sites in an expanded population with 18~60 individuals in each breed. The results showed that all predicted integration sites in 11 breeds were verified by PCR. Some ALVE insertion sites were breeds specific, and 16 out of 23 novel ALVEs were found in only one Chinese domestic chicken breed. We randomly selected three ALVE insertions including ALVE_CAU005, ALVE_ros127, and ALVE_ros276, and obtained their insertion sequences by long-range PCR and Sanger sequencing. The insertion sequences were all 7525 bp, which were full-length ALVE insertion and all of them were highly homologous to ALVE1 with similarity of 99%. Our study identified the distribution of ALVE in 11 chicken breeds, which expands the current research on ALVE in Chinese domestic breeds.


National Key Research and Development Program of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China

China Agricultural University Basic scientific research

National Germplasm Center of Domestic Animal Resources

Agriculture Research Systems

Young Scientist Supporting Project, Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team

Beijing Key Laboratory for Animal Genetic Improvement


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Genetics,Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Food Science

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