1. DTU Aqua National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Jægersborg Alle 1, Charlottenlund Castle, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark
2. Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lysekil 45330, Sweden, Marine Research Institute
3. School of Biological Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, 97 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT97BL, UK
4. The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), Lowestoft Laboratory, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0HT, UK
5. Marine Research Institute, Skúlagata 4, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
6. Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Palmaille 9, Hamburg 22761, Germany
7. NMFRI National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ul. Kollataja 1, Gdynia 81-332, Poland
8. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), H. C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46, Copenhagen V 1553, Denmark
9. Marine Laboratory, Marine Scotland – Science, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen AB11 9DB, Scotland