Individual-based model simulations indicate a non-linear catch equation of drifting Fish Aggregating Device-associated tuna


Nooteboom Peter D12ORCID,Scutt Phillips Joe3,Senina Inna3,van Sebille Erik12ORCID,Nicol Simon34


1. Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU), Department of Physics, Utrecht University , Utrecht, Utrecht, 3584 CC , The Netherlands

2. Centre for Complex Systems Studies, Utrecht University , Utrecht, Utrecht, 3584 CE , The Netherlands

3. Oceanic Fisheries Programme, Pacific Community , Noumea 98848 , New Caledonia

4. Centre for Conservation Ecology and Genomics, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra , Australian Capital Territory , Australia


Abstract Catch per unit of fishing effort (CPUE) is often used as an indicator of tuna abundance, where it is assumed that the two are proportional to each other. Tuna catch is therefore typically simplified in tuna population dynamics models and depends linearly on their abundance. In this paper, we use an individual-based model of tuna and their interactions with drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) to identify which behavioural, ocean flow, and fishing strategy scenarios lead to an emergent, non-linear dependency between catch, and both tuna and dFAD density at the ∼1○ grid scale. We apply a series of catch response equations to evaluate their ability to model associated catch rate, using tuna and dFAD density as terms. Our results indicate that, regardless of ocean flow, behavioural, or fisher strategy scenario, simulated catch is best modelled with a non-linear dependence on both tuna and dFAD abundance. We discuss how estimators of CPUE at the population scale are potentially biased when assuming a linear catch response.


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Ecology,Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Oceanography







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