Measles in the 21st Century: Progress Toward Achieving and Sustaining Elimination


Gastañaduy Paul A1,Goodson James L2,Panagiotakopoulos Lakshmi3,Rota Paul A1,Orenstein Walt A4,Patel Manisha1


1. Division of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

2. Global Immunization Division, Center for Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

3. Immunization Safety Office, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

4. Emory University and the Emory Vaccine Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Abstract The global measles vaccination program has been extraordinarily successful in reducing measles-related disease and deaths worldwide. Eradication of measles is feasible because of several key attributes, including humans as the only reservoir for the virus, broad access to diagnostic tools that can rapidly detect measles-infectious persons, and availability of highly safe and effective measles-containing vaccines (MCVs). All 6 World Health Organization (WHO) regions have established measles elimination goals. Globally, during 2000–2018, measles incidence decreased by 66% (from 145 to 49 cases per million population) and deaths decreased by 73% (from 535 600 to 142 300), drastically reducing global disease burden. Routine immunization with MCV has been the cornerstone for the control and prevention of measles. Two doses of MCV are 97% effective in preventing measles, qualifying MCV as one of the most effective vaccines ever developed. Mild adverse events occur in <20% of recipients and serious adverse events are extremely rare. The economic benefits of measles vaccination are highlighted by an overall return on investment of 58 times the cost of the vaccine, supply chains, and vaccination. Because measles is one of the most contagious human diseases, maintenance of high (≥95%) 2-dose MCV coverage is crucial for controlling the spread of measles and successfully reaching measles elimination; however, the plateauing of global MCV coverage for nearly a decade and the global measles resurgence during 2018–2019 demonstrate that much work remains. Global commitments to increase community access to and demand for immunizations, strengthen national and regional partnerships for building public health infrastructure, and implement innovations that can overcome access barriers and enhance vaccine confidence, are essential to achieve a world free of measles.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Infectious Diseases,Immunology and Allergy

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