1. World Health Organization
Fifty-fourth session of the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific. Summary record of the fifth meeting. Resolution WPR/RC54.R3. Expanded Programme on Immunization: Measles and hepatitis B
Manila, Philippines
World Health Organization
2. World Health Organization
Fifty-sixth session of the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific. Summary record of the eighth meeting. Resolution WPR/RC56.R8. Measles elimination, hepatitis B control, and poliomyelitis eradication
Manila, Philippines
World Health Organization
3. World Health Organization. Monitoring progress towards measles elimination;Wkly Epidemiol Rec,2010
4. World Health Organization
Reported estimates of measles containing vaccination coverage
WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: Monitoring system, 2010 global summary
Geneva, Switzerland
World Health Organization Dept of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals
WHO publication WHO/IVB/2010 R296–349. http://apps.who.int/immunization_monitoring/en/globalsummary/timeseries/tswucoveragemcv.htm