Predictors of Severity of Influenza-Related Hospitalizations: Results From the Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network (GIHSN)


Cohen Lily E12ORCID,Hansen Chelsea L345,Andrew Melissa K6,McNeil Shelly A6,Vanhems Philippe7,Kyncl Jan89,Domingo Javier Díez10,Zhang Tao11,Dbaibo Ghassan12,Laguna-Torres Victor Alberto13,Draganescu Anca14,Baumeister Elsa15,Gomez Doris16,Raboni Sonia M17,Giamberardino Heloisa I G17,Nunes Marta C1819,Burtseva Elena20,Sominina Anna21,Medić Snežana2223,Coulibaly Daouda24,Salah Afif Ben2526,Otieno Nancy A27,Koul Parvaiz A28,Unal Serhat2930,Tanriover Mine Durusu3031,Mazur Marie1,Bresee Joseph1,Viboud Cecile3,Chaves Sandra S32


1. Ready2Respond p/o The Task Force for Global Health , Decatur, Georgia , USA

2. Department of Medical Education, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , New York, New York , USA

3. Division of International Epidemiology and Population Studies, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health , Bethesda, Maryland , USA

4. Brotman Baty Institute, University of Washington , Seattle, Washington , USA

5. PandemiX Center, Department of Science & Environment, Roskilde University , Denmark

6. Canadian Center for Vaccinology, IWK Health Centre and Nova Scotia Health, Dalhousie University , Halifax, Nova Scotia , Canada

7. Hôpital Edouard Herriot , Lyon , France

8. Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health , Prague, Czech Republic

9. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University , Prague, Czech Republic

10. Fundación Para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO–Public Health) , Valencia , Spain

11. School of Public Health, Fudan University , Shanghai , China

12. Center for Infectious Diseases Research, American University of Beirut , Beirut , Lebanon

13. Clínica Internacional, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos , Lima , Peru

14. National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof Dr Matei Bals” , Bucharest , Romania

15. Respiratory Virus Laboratory, Virology Department, INEI-ANLIS , Buenos Aires , Argentina

16. Grupo de Investigación UNIMOL, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena , Cartagena de Indias , Colombia

17. Virology Laboratory, Infectious Diseases Division, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Hospital Pequeno Principe , Curitiba, Paraná , Brazil

18. South African Medical Research Council, Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences , University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg , South Africa

19. Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation, South African Research Chair Initiative in Vaccine Preventable Diseases , Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg , South Africa

20. Gamaleya Federal Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation , Moscow , Russia

21. Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza , St Petersburg , Russia

22. Institute for Public Health of Vojvodina , Novi Sad , Serbia

23. Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia

24. National Institute of Public Hygiene, Abidjan , Côte d’Ivoire

25. Institut Pasteur de Tunis , Tunis , Tunisia

26. Arabian Gulf University , Manama , Bahrain

27. Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) , Nairobi , Kenya

28. Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences , Srinagar , India

29. Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine , Ankara , Turkey

30. Turkish Society of Internal Medicine , Ankara , Turkey

31. Department of Internal Medicine, Hacettepe University School of Medicine , Ankara , Turkey

32. Foundation for Influenza Epidemiology, Fondation de France , Paris , France


Abstract Background The Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network (GIHSN) has since 2012 provided patient-level data on severe influenza-like-illnesses from >100 participating clinical sites worldwide based on a core protocol and consistent case definitions. Methods We used multivariable logistic regression to assess the risk of intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation, and in-hospital death among hospitalized patients with influenza and explored the role of patient-level covariates and country income level. Results The data set included 73 121 patients hospitalized with respiratory illness in 22 countries, including 15 660 with laboratory-confirmed influenza. After adjusting for patient-level covariates we found a 7-fold increase in the risk of influenza-related intensive care unit admission in lower middle-income countries (LMICs), compared with high-income countries (P = .01). The risk of mechanical ventilation and in-hospital death also increased by 4-fold in LMICs, though these differences were not statistically significant. We also find that influenza mortality increased significantly with older age and number of comorbid conditions. Across all severity outcomes studied and after controlling for patient characteristics, infection with influenza A/H1N1pdm09 was more severe than with A/H3N2. Conclusions Our study provides new information on influenza severity in underresourced populations, particularly those in LMICs.


Wellcome Trust


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Infectious Diseases,Immunology and Allergy

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