1. Department of Infectious Diseases, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg , Gothenburg , Sweden
2. Department of Infectious Diseases, Region Västra Götaland, Sahlgrenska University Hospital , Gothenburg , Sweden
3. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg , Gothenburg , Sweden
4. Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg , Gothenburg , Sweden
5. Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine, University of Gothenburg , Gothenburg , Sweden
6. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, Dementia Research Centre, Institute of Neurology, University College London , London , United Kingdom
7. Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Biocenter, Medical University of Innsbruck , Innsbruck , Austria
8. Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory, Sahlgrenska University Hospital , Mölndal , Sweden
9. UK Dementia Research Institute, University College London , London , United Kingdom
10. Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases , Hong Kong , China
11. Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison , Madison, Wisconsin , USA
12. Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC , Rockville, Maryland , USA