1. College of Public Health, Temple University Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, , Philadelphia, P A United States
2. University of Minnesota Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, School of Public Health, , Minneapolis, Minnesota , United States
3. Trinity Teleradiology Services Department of Radiology, , Vancouver, BC , Canada
4. University of Minnesota School of Nursing School Adult and Gerontological Health, , Minneapolis, Minnesota , United States
5. University of Minnesota Department of Urology, , Minneapolis, Minnesota , United States
6. University of Minnesota Department of Educational Psychology, , Minneapolis, Minnesota , United States
7. Rush Medical College Department of Urology, , Chicago, Illinois
8. Malecare Cancer Support , New York, New York , United States
9. University of Minnesota Medical School Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, , Minneapolis, Minnesota , United States
10. University of Minnesota Department of Writing Studies, , Minneapolis, Minnesota , United States