1. Global Surgery Policy Unit, LSE Health, London School of Economics and Political Science , London , UK
2. Humanitarian Surgery Initiative, Global Affairs Department, Royal College of Surgeons of England , London , UK
3. Academic Department of Military Surgery & Trauma, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine , Birmingham , UK
4. School of Medicine, Cardiff University , Cardiff , UK
5. Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science , London , UK
6. Department of Urology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children , London , UK
7. Plastic Surgery Department, Alshifa Medical Complex , Gaza , Palestine
8. Department of Surgery, Cairo University , Cairo , Egypt
9. General and Digestive Surgical Unit, Central Hospital Yaounde , Yaounde , Cameroon
10. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bamenda , Bamenda , Cameroon
11. Médicins Sans Frontières, Kilo Project, Kilo Hospital , Ibb Governorate , Yemen
12. Department of Surgery, University of Nairobi , Nairobi , Kenya
13. Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, Ellen Wilkinson Building, University of Manchester , Manchester , UK
14. Médicines Sans Frontières Operational Centre Amsterdam , Amsterdam , The Netherlands
15. Department of Surgery and Center for Innovation in Global Health, Stanford University , Stanford, California , USA
16. King’s Centre for Global Health and Health Partnerships, School of Life Course and Population Sciences, King’s College London , London , UK