1. Department of Physics, Inha University , Incheon 22212 , Republic of Korea
2. School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) , Seoul 02455 , Republic of Korea
We investigate the dynamical generation of the $D_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ and $B_{s0}^{*}$ mesons using a meson-exchange model with a coupled-channel formalism. Our primary focus is on the $D_s^+\pi ^0$ channel below the $DK$ threshold. First, we construct the invariant kernel amplitudes, incorporating effective Lagrangians based on heavy-quark symmetry, flavor SU(3) symmetry, and hidden local symmetry. Since the $D_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ state implies isospin symmetry breaking, we introduce $\pi ^0\!-\!\eta$ isospin mixing. We subsequently solve the coupled-channel integral equations, which include four different channels, i.e. $D_s^+\pi ^0$, $D^0 K^+$, $D^+ K^0$, and $D_s^+\eta$. We carefully analyze how the pole corresponding to the $D_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ state emerges from the coupled channels. Our findings reveal that the pole positions of the $D_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ meson are at $\sqrt{s_R}=(2317.9 - i 0.0593)$ MeV and those of the $\bar{B}_{s0}^{*}$ meson are at $(5756.43-i0.0215)$ MeV, respectively. We also discuss their decay widths and destructive interference of the two sources. In conclusion, our current results provide a clear indication supporting the interpretation of the $D_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ meson as a $DK$ molecular state within the present coupled-channel formalism. In addition, we discuss the possible existence of $\bar{B}_{s0}^{*}$.
Oxford University Press (OUP)