1. Eby DW, Trombley DA, Moinar LJ, Shope TJ. The Assessment of Older Drivers' Capabilities: A Review of the Literature. Report UMTRI-98–24, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1998).
2. Evans L. Older driver involvement in fatal and severe traffic crashes.J Gerontol Soc Sc1988;43:S186–93.
3. Evans L. Young driver involvement in severe car crashes.Alcohol Drugs Driving1987;3:63–78.
4. Evans L. Traffic Safety and the Driver. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1991.
5. Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Washington, DC, 1990–1996. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Formatted Fatal Injury Traffic Data; 1990–1996. (Contains references to earlier years).