1. Berlioz, Briefe an die Fūrstin Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein, ed. La Mara, Leipzig, 1903, pp. 30–31.
2. For example: Tiersot, ‘Etude sur La Damnation de Faust’, Le Guide Musical, xliv (1898), p. 943—xlv (1899), p. 176, and A. E. F. Dickinson, ‘The Revisions for the Damnation of Faust’, Monthly Musical Record, lxxxix (1959), pp. 180–5.
3. Mémoires, i. 55.
4. The best example is to be found in his letter of 12 August 1856, during the composition of Les Troyens:
5. Music Review, iv (1943), p. 228.