Conformational dynamics of the RNA binding channel regulates loading and translocation of the DEAH-box helicase Prp43


Enders Marieke1ORCID,Ficner Ralf1ORCID,Adio Sarah1ORCID


1. Department of Molecular Structural Biology, Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, Georg- August-University Göttingen , Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, D-37077  Göttingen , Germany


Abstract The DEAH-box helicase Prp43 has essential functions in pre-mRNA splicing and ribosome biogenesis, remodeling structured RNAs. To initiate unwinding, Prp43 must first accommodate a single-stranded RNA segment into its RNA binding channel. This allows translocation of the helicase on the RNA. G-patch (gp) factors activate Prp43 in its cellular context enhancing the intrinsically low ATPase and RNA unwinding activity. It is unclear how the RNA loading process is accomplished by Prp43 and how it is regulated by its substrates, ATP and RNA, and the G-patch partners. We developed single-molecule (sm) FRET reporters on Prp43 from Chaetomium thermophilum to monitor the conformational dynamics of the RNA binding channel in Prp43 in real-time. We show that the channel can alternate between open and closed conformations. Binding of Pfa1(gp) and ATP shifts the distribution of states towards channel opening, facilitating the accommodation of RNA. After completion of the loading process, the channel remains firmly closed during successive cycles of ATP hydrolysis, ensuring stable interaction with the RNA and processive translocation. Without Pfa1(gp), it remains predominantly closed preventing efficient RNA loading. Our data reveal how the ligands of Prp43 regulate the structural dynamics of the RNA binding channel controlling the initial binding of RNA.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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