PRRC2 proteins impact translation initiation by promoting leaky scanning


Bohlen Jonathan1234567ORCID,Roiuk Mykola1235,Neff Marilena13,Teleman Aurelio A12345ORCID


1. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) , 69120  Heidelberg , Germany

2. CellNetworks - Cluster of Excellence, Heidelberg University , Germany

3. Heidelberg University , 69120  Heidelberg , Germany

4. Heidelberg Biosciences International Graduate School (HBIGS) , Germany

5. National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) , partner site, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

6. Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Necker Branch, Institut National de la Santeé et de la Recherche Meédicale U1163 , Paris , France

7. University of Paris, Imagine Institute , Paris , France


Abstract Roughly half of animal mRNAs contain upstream open reading frames (uORFs). These uORFs can represent an impediment to translation of the main ORF since ribosomes usually bind the mRNA cap at the 5′ end and then scan for ORFs in a 5′-to-3′ fashion. One way for ribosomes to bypass uORFs is via leaky scanning, whereby the ribosome disregards the uORF start codon. Hence leaky scanning is an important instance of post-transcriptional regulation that affects gene expression. Few molecular factors regulating or facilitating this process are known. Here we show that the PRRC2 proteins PRRC2A, PRRC2B and PRRC2C impact translation initiation. We find that they bind eukaryotic translation initiation factors and preinitiation complexes, and are enriched on ribosomes translating mRNAs with uORFs. We find that PRRC2 proteins promote leaky scanning past translation start codons, thereby promoting translation of mRNAs containing uORFs. Since PRRC2 proteins have been associated with cancer, this provides a mechanistic starting point for understanding their physiological and pathophysiological roles.


Oxford University Press (OUP)









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