LINE-1 mRNA 3′ end dynamics shape its biology and retrotransposition potential


Janecki Damian M1ORCID,Sen Raneet1ORCID,Szóstak Natalia2ORCID,Kajdasz Arkadiusz1ORCID,Kordyś Martyna1ORCID,Plawgo Kinga1ORCID,Pandakov Dmytro1ORCID,Philips Anna2ORCID,Warkocki Zbigniew1ORCID


1. Department of RNA Metabolism, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences , Poznan, Poland

2. Laboratory of Bioinformatics, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences , Poznan, Poland


Abstract LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposons are mobile genetic elements that create new genomic insertions by a copy-paste mechanism involving L1 RNA/RNP intermediates. L1 encodes two ORFs, of which L1-ORF2p nicks genomic DNA and reverse transcribes L1 mRNA using the nicked DNA as a primer which base-pairs with poly(A) tail of L1 mRNA. To better understand the importance of non-templated L1 3′ ends’ dynamics and the interplay between L1 3′ and 5′ ends, we investigated the effects of genomic knock-outs and temporal knock-downs of XRN1, DCP2, and other factors. We hypothesized that in the absence of XRN1, the major 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, there would be more L1 mRNA and retrotransposition. Conversely, we observed that loss of XRN1 decreased L1 retrotransposition. This occurred despite slight stabilization of L1 mRNA, but with decreased L1 RNP formation. Similarly, loss of DCP2, the catalytic subunit of the decapping complex, lowered retrotransposition despite increased steady-state levels of L1 proteins. In both XRN1 and DCP2 depletions we observed shortening of L1 3′ poly(A) tails and their increased uridylation by TUT4/7. We explain the observed reduction of L1 retrotransposition by the changed qualities of non-templated L1 mRNA 3′ ends demonstrating the important role of L1 3′ end dynamics in L1 biology.


Narodowe Centrum Nauki


Oxford University Press (OUP)









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