HOCOMOCO in 2024: a rebuild of the curated collection of binding models for human and mouse transcription factors


Vorontsov Ilya E1ORCID,Eliseeva Irina A2,Zinkevich Arsenii13,Nikonov Mikhail3,Abramov Sergey14,Boytsov Alexandr14,Kamenets Vasily156,Kasianova Alexandra78,Kolmykov Semyon9,Yevshin Ivan S10,Favorov Alexander111,Medvedeva Yulia A12ORCID,Jolma Arttu13,Kolpakov Fedor914ORCID,Makeev Vsevolod J156ORCID,Kulakovskiy Ivan V1215ORCID


1. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences , 119991  Moscow , Russia

2. Institute of Protein Research, Russian Academy of Sciences , 142290  Pushchino , Russia

3. Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State University , 119991  Moscow , Russia

4. Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences , 98121  Seattle , WA , USA

5. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology , 141700  Dolgoprudny , Russia

6. Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences , 450054  Ufa , Russia

7. Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology , 121205  Moscow , Russia

8. Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences , 127051  Moscow , Russia

9. Department of Computational Biology, Sirius University of Science and Technology , 354340  Sirius , Krasnodar region, Russia

10. Biosoft.Ru LLC , 630090  Novosibirsk , Russia

11. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine , Baltimore , MD 21205 , USA

12. Research Center of Biotechnology RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences , 119071  Moscow , Russia

13. Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto , Toronto , Ontario  M5S 3E1 , Canada

14. Bioinformatics Laboratory, Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies , 630090  Novosibirsk , Russia

15. Laboratory of Regulatory Genomics, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan Federal University , 420008  Kazan , Russia


Abstract We present a major update of the HOCOMOCO collection that provides DNA binding specificity patterns of 949 human transcription factors and 720 mouse orthologs. To make this release, we performed motif discovery in peak sets that originated from 14 183 ChIP-Seq experiments and reads from 2554 HT-SELEX experiments yielding more than 400 thousand candidate motifs. The candidate motifs were annotated according to their similarity to known motifs and the hierarchy of DNA-binding domains of the respective transcription factors. Next, the motifs underwent human expert curation to stratify distinct motif subtypes and remove non-informative patterns and common artifacts. Finally, the curated subset of 100 thousand motifs was supplied to the automated benchmarking to select the best-performing motifs for each transcription factor. The resulting HOCOMOCO v12 core collection contains 1443 verified position weight matrices, including distinct subtypes of DNA binding motifs for particular transcription factors. In addition to the core collection, HOCOMOCO v12 provides motif sets optimized for the recognition of binding sites in vivo and in vitro, and for annotation of regulatory sequence variants. HOCOMOCO is available at https://hocomoco12.autosome.org and https://hocomoco.autosome.org.


Russian Science Foundation

Non-commercial Foundation for Support of Science and Education ‘INTELLECT’

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Government of the Russian Federation


Oxford University Press (OUP)










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