Comparison of Babcock and Ether Extraction Methods for Determination of Fat Content of Milk: Collaborative Study


Barbano David M1,Clark Jenny L1,Dunham Chapman E2


1. Cornell University, Department of Food Science, Ithaca, NY 14853

2. Texas Milk Market, PO Box 110939, Carrollton, TX 75011


Abstract Eleven collaborating laboratories analyzed 18 blind duplicate pairs of raw milk samples for fat by the Babcock method and by a modified Mojonnier ether extraction method in 7 round robins conducted over a 14 month period. Ten laboratories used the Babcock method and 10 used the modified Mojonnier method. Fat content of samples ranged from approximately 2.7 to 5.6%. Mean test value of samples analyzed was approximately 3.9% fat. Average standard deviations of within-laboratory repeatability (Sr) of the Babcock and ether extraction methods were 0.029 and 0.015% fat, respectively. Average standard deviations of between-laboratory reproducibility (SR) of the Babcock and ether extraction methods were 0.039 and 0.020% fat, respectively. Average repeatability relative standard deviations (RSDr) for the Babcock and ether extraction methods were 0.742 and 0.396%; average reproducibility relative standard deviations (RSDR) were 1.014 and 0.512%, respectively. Mean repeatability values (r) and reproducibility values (R) were 0.081 and 0.111% for Babcock and 0.044 and 0.056% for ether extraction, respectively. The ether extraction method demonstrated consistently better within- and between-laboratory agreement. The overall mean test value for the Babcock method was significantly higher (0.021% fat) than that for ether extraction. The difference between Babcock and ether extraction fat test results was different for different farms. In addition, the mean difference between percent fat determined by the Babcock and ether extraction methods was different in different months. There was no correlation in the difference between Babcock and ether extraction methods with the absolute level of fat in the samples in the range of 2.7 to 5.6% fat. The modifications of the AOAC Babcock method and the modified Mojonnier ether extraction method have been approved interim official first action.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


General Chemistry







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