1. Violeta Beširević, ‘A Short Guide to Militant Democracy: Some Remarks on the Strasbourg Jurisprudence’, in Wolfgang Benedek, Florence Benoît-Rohmer, Wolfram Karl, and Manfred Nowak, eds, European Yearbook on Human Rights, Antwerp: Intersentia and Vienna-Graz, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2012, pp. 243–57.
2. Antoine Buyse, ‘Contested Contours: The Limits of Freedom of Expression from an Abuse of Rights Perspective—Article 10 and 17 ECHR’, in Eva Brems and Janneke Gerards, eds, Shaping Rights in the ECHR, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 183–210.
3. Vincent Coussirat-Coustere, ‘Article 11§2’, in Pettiti et al., La Convention européenne, pp. 431–2.