1. Deuxième Conférence internationale de la Paix. La Haye, 15 juin–18 octobre 1907. Actes et Documents (publié par le Ministère des Affaires étrangères des Pays-Bas). Vol. I: Séances plénières de la Conférence (1908). Vol. II: Première Commission (1909). Vol. III: Deuxième, Troisième et Quatrième Commissions (1909)
2. Advisory Committee of Jurists, Procès-Verbaux of the Proceedings of the Committee, June 16– July 24, 1920, with annexes (published by the League of Nations)
3. United States Department of State, The United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, California, April 25 to June 26, 1945: Selected Documents (1946)
4. Abi-Saab, G., ‘Substantive Requirements, or The Portrait of the Jurist as an International Judge’, in Increasing the Effectiveness of the International Court of Justice: Proceedings of the ICJ/UNITAR Colloquium to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Court (Peck, C./Lee, R.S., eds., 1997), pp. 166–88
5. Judges of the International Court of Justice—Election and Qualifications;Leiden JIL,2001