1. Department of Medicine and Radboud Center for Infectious Diseases, Radboud University Medical Center, PO Box 9101, Geert Grooteplein 8, 6525 GA Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2. Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Georgia/Augusta University, 1120 15th Street, Augusta, GA 30912, USA
3. Department of Medicine, Srinagarind Hospital, Mueang Khon Kaen 40000, Thailand
4. Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Avenida Pedro Calmon 550, Rio de Janeiro 21941-901, Brazil
5. Department of Emergency and Intensive Care, Centro Hospitalar São João, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Praça Gomes Teixeira, Porto 4099-002, Portugal
6. University Hospitals of Geneva, 4 rue Gabrille-Perret-Gentil, CH 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
7. Pfizer Inc., 235 E 42nd Street, New York, NY, USA
8. Pfizer PFE, 23-25 avenue du Docteur Lannelongue, 75668 Paris cedex 14, France
9. Department of Oncology and Hematology, Hôpital de Hautepierre and Université de Strasbourg, 1 place de l’Hôpital, BP 426, 67091 Strasbourg cedex, France